
“Little Noelle’s Christmas Wish” involves a small Parisian girl in the 1950s. Noelle cherishes her Christmas traditions which include annual trips to the World’s Biggest Christmas Tree – the Eiffel Tower, with her father. Noelle’s father is a pilot, flying all over the world, but he is always home for Christmas. And each year, Noelle and Papa follow their tradition of walking to the World’s Biggest Christmas Tree – the Eiffel Tower and wish on one of the lights. One year Papa doesn’t come home in time for Christmas and Noelle takes brave steps to make a very special wish.

While away the weekend with a trip to Provence.  Visit with Caroline – a recent ex-pat and her hot realtor/boyfriend.

Caroline had wanted to marry a Frenchman since she was a little girl and here was her chance. Moving to Aix-en-Provence came with the promise of a Frenchman. Angela, Caroline’s friend promised to serve one up, along with the house of her dreams. The house was perfection and Olivier was every girl’s fantasy. But what was discovered in the treasure chest, could endanger Caroline’s dreams.

A change to her life was her hope.  A romance for the ages was her reality.

“I See France” is a lighthearted romance, a summer read, which takes the reader along on a trip to France; embroils them in a romance with a French detective and leads them on the trail of stolen paintings.

My heroine, Ellen Devlin, is a 30-something American. She is slightly overweight and more than slightly past the marrying age.  A homebody, she has lived her small, happy life in an ordinary New England town.  She has her family, friends and her job.  But when she is offered a chance to go to Paris as a part of a tour with several older women, she realizes this may be her only chance.

Ellen is only in Paris a few hours when she meets a man who doesn’t fit her notion of a romantic lead; but that meeting sets off a sometimes dangerous, oftentimes comical chain of events leading to the capture of an art thief and an unexpected romance.
